4 Oct 2013

The Chain Gang of 1974 - Sleepwalking

Whether you're a gamer or you're not, unless you've been living in space, you'll know that GTA:V is out. The soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal, numerous tracks from it have been featured on blogs all over the internet - and why not? Something this good should be plastered all over the place!

This track in particular is from The Chain Gang of 1974. It's called "Sleepwalking", and it's...well, it's addictive! There's something about it that makes you want to put it on repeat and listen again and again and again...and again..and again! It's not quite the "modern day Depeche Mode" a user described it as but it's a prime example of the enthusiasm received!

"Sleepwalking" will be featured on the upcoming album Daydream Forever, which will be released at the start of February.